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Planning and building

Planning application forms and guidance

Submit a planning permission application:

  • online using the Planning Portal
  • by downloading a planning application form
  • by requesting a planning application form from us

Pre-application Planning guidance and forms

Use our pre-application planning advice service, or choose an application type below for guidance, checklists and appropriate application forms:

Additional planning application forms

You're able to download offline printable forms from the Planning Portal.

You'll need to enter your postcode and confirm the site address, which will allow the Planning Portal to identify City of York Council as your Local Planning Authority.

Download offline printable forms

The full suite of paper forms are available to download along with guidance notes for completing the forms.

Forms which can be downloaded from the Planning Portal include:

Approval of details reserved by a condition (discharge)

You'll need to search for this application form using the title: "Approval of details reserved by a condition (discharge)".

This application will be needed when a condition in a planning permission needs more information on a specific aspect of the development to be approved (discharged) by the Local Planning Authority.

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Non-Material Amendment

You'll need to search for this application form using the title: "Non-Material Amendment".

Use this application if you want to make a small change to an existing planning permission. This could be something that doesn't alter the development or breach any planning policies.

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Prior Approval: Larger home extension

You'll need to search for this application form using the title: "Prior Approval: Larger home extension".

This application is specifically for a proposed 'larger' single storey rear extension to a house (over 4 metres and up to 8 metres for detached houses, over 3 metres and up to 6 metres for all other houses), to determine if prior approval is required from the Local Planning Authority. It assesses certain aspects of the proposed permitted development and the impact they will have.

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Prior Approval: Change of use - commercial/business/service to dwellinghouse

You'll need to search for this application form using the title: "Prior Approval: Change of use - commercial/business/service to dwellinghouse".

This application is to determine if prior approval is required from the Local Planning Authority for a proposed change of use. It assesses certain aspects of the proposed permitted development and the impact they will have.

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Prior Approval: Change of use - agricultural to dwellinghouse

You'll need to search for this application form using the title: "Prior Approval: Change of use - agricultural to dwellinghouse".

This application is to determine if prior approval is required from the Local Planning Authority for a proposed change of use. It assesses certain aspects of the proposed permitted development and the impact they will have.

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Prior Approval: Demolition of building

You'll need to search for this application form using the title: "Prior Approval: Demolition of building".

This application is to determine if prior approval is required from the Local Planning Authority for a proposed demolition. It assesses certain aspects of the proposed permitted development and the impact they will have.

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Removal/Variation of a condition

You'll need to search for this application form using the title: "Removal/Variation of a condition".

Use this application to request that the Local Planning Authority removes or changes the requirements of a condition after planning permission has been given.

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Also see

Planning Enquiries

DM Business Support, West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 551553