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Planning and building

Tree works planning applications

You can download application forms for work on trees in a conservation area (TCA) and for trees with Tree Preservation Orders (TPO).

Alternatively you can apply online using the Planning Portal.

Checklist for applications for works related to tree preservation orders and trees in a conservation area

1. Forms

Application Form
Signed and dated
All relevant questions answered correctly
If you are applying on behalf of the tree owner, please ensure that you provide their contact details

2. Plans

It is not necessary to draw scaled plans. The plan(s) should show boundaries and adjoining properties (including house numbers or names) and names of roads. Show the position of the tree(s) in relation to buildings and use the numbering used in Box 7 of the Tree Work Application Form.

Find out how to order location plans and site plans

3. Location/Site plan to show:

A North point
Position of the trees clearly marked and numbered (e.g. T1, T2, etc.)
Wherever possible, at least 2 named roads, surrounding buildings properties and site boundaries

4. Photographs to show:

The entire tree (trunk to crown)
Tree(s) in context (more distant view showing tree and surroundings)

5. Describing the works and reasons

Please make clear to which trees the descriptions of works and reasons apply (e.g., T1 Oak - crown lift to 3m above ground level to allow clearance of driveway). A description of common tree work operations can be found on page 3 of the tree works guidance notes.

Reasons must be given for work to trees protected by a TPO. For trees in conservation areas, giving reasons for work would be helpful, but is not mandatory. It is vital that you clearly specify the works you want to carry out for each tree included in your application. A proposal simply to “cut back”, “lop” or “trim” some branches is too vague because it fails to indicate the extent of the works. We strongly recommend that you obtain a clear specification from a tree surgeon or arboriculturalist.

Clear description of works
Reason for works

6. Additional Information

If you are applying to carry out tree works due to tree condition, supporting evidence is required:

Written evidence or diagnostic information from an arboriculturalist or other appropriate expert

If you are applying to carry out tree works due to alleged property damage, supporting evidence is required:

Structural/Subsidence Report from appropriate expert

Also see

Planning Enquiries

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Telephone: 01904 551553