Make a claim for Council Tax Support
Use our online form to claim Council Tax Support, or to report any changes that might affect your existing claim.
The same forms will allow you claim either Council Tax Support, Housing Benefit or both.
To apply for Council Tax Support, you will need the following information for you and your partner, if you have one:
- Property council tax reference number
- National Insurance number
- Date of birth
- Contact phone and/or email
- If you are receiving Universal Credit or Pension Credit you do not need to provide details of your income
- If you are not receiving Universal Credit or Pension Credit you will need details of your income, and will be asked to provide copies of a recent bank statement and proof of your income
- Details of anyone else living with you, their names, and dates of birth. You will need income details for any adults.
If you can, please upload photos or screen shots of the required information as part of your online application.
If you're unable to upload the required information, you can provide copies of the evidence required by email to:
If you need help making a claim, advice and support is available. Contact our Benefits Team for assistance or see details of further benefits advice.
Also see
Benefits appointments
Contact us for an appointment to get benefits advice in person at West Offices.