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Corporate Management Team

The Corporate Management Team is the most senior officer group in the council providing a corporate setting for advising the Executive on the business cycle, Forward Plan and policy options.

Led by the Chief Operating Officer, Ian Floyd, it includes the following officers:

Chief Operating Officer, Ian Floyd.

Chief Operating Officer

Ian Floyd

Statutory responsibility - Head of Paid Service

As Head of the Council’s Paid Service, Ian is responsible for securing staff and other resources needed to deliver high quality, cost effective services to the people of York.

Working closely with the Corporate Management Team and the Leader and Executive Team, he ensures those resources support the delivery of the Council Plan and the Council’s vision, policies and goals.

Ian's responsibilities include acting in the capacity of Returning Officer for Local, Parliamentary and European elections and Counting Officer for referendums.

He is also the North Yorkshire and York Lead for the regional Climate Change Commission and Chair of the York Health and Care Partnership Executive Committee.

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Corporate Director of Adult Social Care and Integration, Sara Storey

Corporate Director of Adult Social Care and Integration

Sara Storey

Statutory responsibility - DASS

Sara's responsibilities include:

  • All aspects of Adult Social Care assessment and delivery as the DASS
  • Market Management in line with the Care Act
  • Contracts and Quality Assurance
  • Statutory Delivery CQC
  • All Age Commissioning
  • Adult Provider Services
  • Responsible Individual
  • Mental Health Services
  • Hospital Discharge
  • Learning Disabilities and Transitions
  • Adults Safeguarding
  • Reablement and Early Intervention
  • Corporate Director lead for Health Integration (ICS) and Place

Get further information on the Adult Social Care and Integration Directorate, including functions and Heads of Service.

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Corporate Director of Children and Education, Martin Kelly.

Corporate Director of Children and Education

Martin Kelly

Statutory responsibility - Director of Children's Services

The role's responsibilities include:

  • Early Years
  • Targeted Early Help and Prevention
  • Family Hubs
  • Children's Social Care
  • Youth Justice Service
  • Adoption
  • Regulated Placements
    • Fostering
    • Residential Care
    • Supported Accommodation
  • Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
  • Virtual School
  • School Improvement, School Organisation and Support
  • Skills (Employment and Training)
  • School Transport
  • School Safeguarding

Get further information on the Children and Education Directorate, including functions and Heads of Service.

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Director of Public Health, Peter Roderick

Director of Public Health

Peter Roderick

Statutory responsibility - Director of Public Health

As senior advocate for the health of the population across the city of York, Peter is accountable for all City of York Council’s responsibilities for public health. They include promoting and protecting the health of residents and reducing health inequalities.

Peter is the lead for the commissioning of a range of public health services including:

The responsibilities also include the delivery of public health programmes such as public mental health, suicide prevention, healthy weight and oral health.

Get more information about Public Health functions and Heads of Service.

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Director of Governance & Monitoring Officer, Bryn Roberts

Director of Governance and Monitoring Officer

Bryn Roberts

Bryn is the Council's Director of Governance (Chief Legal Officer) and Monitoring Officer (statutory role). In addition, he is appointed as Senior Information Risk Owner and Deputy Returning Officer (full powers).

Bryn is responsible for the following services:

  • Senior Responsible Officer (SRO) for compliance with the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 and the Investigatory Powers Act 2016
  • Legal services
  • Information Governance
  • Governance and Decision-Making of the Council
  • Democratic and Scrutiny Services
  • Internal Audit
  • Elections

Get more information about Governance and Monitoring functions and Heads of Service.

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Director of Customers & Communities, Pauline Stuchfield

Director of Housing and Communities

Pauline Stuchfield

Pauline is responsible for Customer Services and Strategy including:

  • Customer and Web Services
  • Mansion House
  • Register Office (including role of Proper Officer)
  • Bereavement Services
  • Civic Office
  • Corporate Strategy and City Partnerships
  • Communications
  • Carbon Reduction

Her Communities and Equalities responsibilities include:

Get more information on Housing and Communities functions and Heads of Service.

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Director of Transport, Environment and Planning

James Gilchrist

James is responsible for services covering Environment, Transport and Planning. These services maintain the public infrastructure and spaces as well as regulating the activity that takes place. The services collectively operate as curators of the city.

James is responsible for the following services:

  • Planning Development Control and enforcement
  • Building Control
  • Design and Conservation and Sustainability
  • Land and Property Gazetteer
  • Transport Strategy
  • Travel Planning
  • Public Transport
  • Road Safety, School Crossing Patrols and Rights of Way
  • Parking
  • Active Travel
  • Traffic Management
  • CCTV and Street Lighting
  • Highway Maintenance
  • Winter Gritting
  • Bar Walls
  • Flood Risk and Water Management
  • Transport Major Projects, for example, York Outer Ring Road and Station Gateway
  • Waste and Recycling Collection and Disposal
  • Commercial Waste
  • Household Waste and Recycling Sites
  • Grounds Maintenance and Street Cleansing
  • Fleet Management
  • Public Protection
  • Environment Health and Protection
  • Safety Advisory Groups
  • Licensing, including Taxi
  • Trading Standards
  • Contaminated Land
  • Emergency Planning, Business Continuity
  • Environmental Crime
  • Community Safety Partnership, Community Safety Hub and Talking Anti-social Behaviour
  • Protect and Prepare

Get more information about Transport, Environment and Planning functions and Heads of Service.

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Director of Finance, Debbie Mitchell

Director of Finance

Debbie Mitchell

Council’s Section 151 Officer (statutory role)

Debbie is responsible for ensuring the Council has arrangements in place for the proper administration of all financial matters. She is lead officer on all aspects of finance, procurement, insurance and risk.

Debbie also has responsibility for the following areas:

  • Business Intelligence
  • Commercial Property Portfolio and Facilities Management
  • Exchequer Services including revenue collection and recovery, adults income and court of protection

Get more information on Finance functions and Heads of Service.

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Chief Human Resources and Support Services Officer, Helen Whiting

Chief Human Resources and Support Services Officer

Helen Whiting

Helen is the lead officer for managing the Council’s workforce. Helen manages the Human Resources Team which covers all aspects of support to employees and managers for their working journey at the Council. Helen works closely with trade unions to ensure effective employee relations.

Helen also has responsibility for the management of the following support services:

  • Information Technology
  • Business Support
  • Shared Health and Safety service,
  • Executive Assistants
  • The City of York Trading contract (Work with York)

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Corporate Director of Place, Neil Ferris.

Corporate Director of Place

Neil Ferris

Neil Ferris will be leaving the council at the end of August 2024.

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City of York Council

West Offices, Station Rise, York YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 551550