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Service Responsibilities

Children and Education Directorate

Service responsibilities within our 'Children and Education Directorate' are within the remit of:

Corporate Director of Children and Education - Martin Kelly


Name Job title Service areas
Danielle Johnson Director of Children's Safeguarding Children's Safeguarding
Maxine Squire Assistant Director of Education, Skills and SEND Education

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Director of Children's Safeguarding - Danielle Johnson


Name Job title Service areas
Jess Markwart Head of Service MASH and Targeted Intervention
Sara Sherwood Head of Service Corporate Parenting
Cat Middleton Head of Service Safeguarding Interventions and Assessment
Tom Maxwell Head of Regional Adoption Agency One Adoption North and Humber Adoption
Dallas Frank Head of Service Quality Assurance and Safeguarding/Principal Social Worker
Niall McVicar Head of Innovation and Children's Champion Innovation and Children's Champion
Sara Orton Service Manger Youth Justice Service Youth Justice Service
Michael Cavan Head of Resource Resource Service

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Assistant Director of Education, Skills and SEND - Maxine Squire


Name Job title Service areas
Derek Sutherland Head of Effectiveness and Achievement School Effectiveness and Achievement
Barbara Mands Head of Education and Support Service Education Support Service
Alison Edeson Skills Team Manager Skills Team
Karron Young Head of Virtual School Virtual School
Julie Frost Head of Integrated SEND service Integrated SEND service

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