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Service Responsibilities

Corporate Services

Within the Corporate Management Team, 'Corporate Services' are overseen by Ian Floyd, Chief Operating Officer.

Service responsibilities within Corporate Services are within the remit of:

Chief Operating Officer - Ian Floyd

For more information read Ian's profile.

Name Job title Service areas
Sara Storey Corporate Director of Adult Social Care and Integration Adult Social Care and Integration
Martin Kelly Corporate Director of Children and Education Children and Education
Neil Ferris Corporate Director of Place Place
Bryn Roberts Director of Governance and Monitoring Officer Governance
Peter Roderick Director of Public Health Public Health
Pauline Stuchfield Director of Customer and Communities Customer and Communities
James Gilchrist Director of Transport and Environment Transport and Environment
Vacant Directory of City Development City Development
Debbie Mitchell Chief Finance Officer and S151 Officer Corporate Finance and Procurement
Helen Whiting Chief Human Resources and Support Services Officer Human Resources and Support Services

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Director of Governance and Monitoring Officer - Bryn Roberts

For more information read Bryn's profile.

Name Job title Service areas
Lindsay Tomlinson Head of Democratic Governance and Deputy Monitoring Officer Democratic Governance
Frances Harrison Head of Legal Services and Deputy Monitoring Officer Legal Services
Lorraine Lunt Corporate Governance Team Manager (Data Protection Officer) Customer Complaints and Feedback, and Information Governance

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Director of Customer and Communities - Pauline Stuchfield

For more information read Pauline's profile.

Name Job title Service areas
Claire Foale Assistant Directory of Policy and Strategy Policy and Strategy
Laura Williams Assistant Director of Customer, Communities and Inclusion Customer, Communities and Inclusion
David Walker Head of Customer and Exchequer Services Customer and Exchequer Services
Denis Southall Head of Housing Management Services Housing Services
Michael Jones Head of Housing Delivery and Asset Management Housing Delivery and Asset Management

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Assistant Director of Policy and Strategy - Claire Foale


Name Job title Service areas
Jonathan Byrne Head of Communications (Interim) Communications
Shaun Gibbons Head of Carbon Reduction Carbon Reduction
Sam Blyth Strategic Manager Corporate Strategy and City Partnerships

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Assistant Director of Customer, Communities and Inclusion - Laura Williams


Name Job title Service areas
Joe Micheli Head of Communities Communities
Andrew Laslett Strategic Services Manager Client Management of CYC leisure facilities
Paul Cliff Joint Strategic Head of Learning Learning
Angie Padfield Head of York Learning York Learning

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Director of Transport and Environment - James Gilchrist


Name Job title Service areas
Michael Howard Head of Highways and Transport Highways and Transport
Matt Boxall Head of Public Protection Public Protection and Regional Investigations
Becky Eades Head of Planning and Development Services Planning and Development Services
Ben Grabham Head of Environmental Services Environmental Services, including Waste and Public Realm
Jane Mowat Head of Community Safety Community Safety
Steve Wragg Head of Highway Asset Management Highway Asset Management
Steve Ball Resilience and Contingencies Manager Resilience and Contingencies

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Directory of City Development- Vacant

Name Job title Service areas
Kathryn Daly Head of City Development City Development, including Economy, Regeneration, Inward Investment and Business Growth, and Strategic Planning Policy

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Chief Human Resources (HR) and Support Services Officer - Helen Whiting


Name Job title Service areas
Roy Grant Head of ICT and Digital Services ICT and Digital Services
Jane Benson Head of Business Support Business Support
Stuart Langston Head of Health and Safety Health and Safety (NYC shared service)
Sarah Butcher Corporate Support Manager Executive Support to CLG Members
Claire Waind HR Manager HR Advisory for Children, Education and Adult Directorates
Kay Crabtree HR Manager HR Advisory for Community and Housing Directorate, Transport, Environment and Highways Directorate, Corporate Services and Public Health
Judith Bennett HR Manager HR Policy, Pay, Reward, Strategy and HR Benefits
Sophie Draper HR Manager HR Resourcing, Recruitment, Apprenticeships
Linda How HR Manager HR Systems, Training and Development, Performance and Change

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Director of Finance - Debbie Mitchell

For more information read Debbie's profile.

Name Job title Service areas
Ian Cunningham Head of Business Intelligence Business Intelligence
Nicholas Collins Head of Property Property
Patrick Looker Head of Service Finance and Deputy Chief Finance Officer Finance
Richard Hartle Finance Manager Finance (Education and Children Services)
Steve Tait Finance Manager Finance (Adult Services)
Emma Audrain Principal Accountant Finance (Technical finance)
Helen Malam Principal Accountant Finance (Budget, Collection Fund, Risk and Insurance)
Chloe Wilcox Head of Procurement Procurement

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Director of Public Health - Peter Roderick


For more information read Peter's profile.

Name Job title Service areas
Vacant Assistant Director, Consultant in Public Health Public Health
Anita Dobson Consultant in Public Health Public Health

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City of York Council

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Telephone: 01904 551550