Antisocial behaviour
We believe that everyone should feel safe and secure, and be able to enjoy living in their home without experiencing antisocial behaviour. We will not accept any form of antisocial behaviour and will take action against those who cause it.
Find out more about reporting antisocial behaviour. You can also contact the Housing Management Officer for your area.
All crimes should be reported to the police on telephone: 101 if a non-emergency.
Emergencies should be reported to the police on telephone: 999.
Leaseholder responsibilities
As the leaseholder, you're responsible for the behaviour of your tenants and their visitors.
You must make sure your tenants do not cause a nuisance or disturbance in the home, in the building or in the surrounding area.
We take antisocial behaviour very seriously and will take action against those who cause any disturbance.
If your tenants or their visitors behave in this way, you will be breaking the terms of your lease conditions and we will take the appropriate action against you as the legal owner of the property.
This could include legal action to get an injunction (a court order preventing you from doing something) against you as the leaseholder, or forfeiture proceedings which might mean you risk losing your home.
Examples of antisocial behaviour include:
- harassing other residents or visitors to the area
- loud and continuous noise from the flat, for example;
- music or parties
- shouting
- excessive DIY
- slamming doors
- barking dogs
- noisy activity in shared areas
- dumping rubbish
- vandalism and graffiti
- drunken behaviour
- actual violence or threats of violence
- abusive language or behaviour
- damaging property
If your tenant causes any problems for other residents or our staff, we will contact you and tell you to stop your tenant causing the problem.
If you don’t speak to your tenant, or if your tenant ignores you and continues causing a problem, we may charge you for the time our staff spend dealing with your tenant and sorting out these problems.
If the problems persist, we may take legal action against you.
Also see
Leaseholder Management Team
Telephone: 01904 551550 (option 4, option 4)