York Central is the large brownfield site to the west of the city’s railway station, and is a unique opportunity for housing and economic growth in the centre of York. It lies between the A19 and A59 road corridors, and is contained by operational rail lines.
The area contains existing buildings which will be retained which include the National Railway Museum, private housing and businesses. The rest of the site is largely underused, having historically been occupied by the rail industry.
Relocation of the remaining rail site will allow new development to take place. The current proposals include:
- up to 2,500 homes
- up to 112,000 square meters of office, leisure and retail uses
A collaborative development partnership which includes ourselves, Network Rail, the National Railway Museum and Homes England is progressing investment and delivery for the site. The site has been designated a Housing Zone as well as an Enterprise Zone and public investment is planned to deliver key infrastructure with a view to de-risk and accelerate this project.
Proposals for York Station Gateway
The York Station Gateway master plan is based on 8 key features which work together to improve the use of space in front of York Station. The station and surrounding area play a key role in the development of York Central.