When we make an order that affects a public right of way (PRoW) we are required by law to publicise those orders.
We are also required to maintain registers of definitive map modification order (DMMO) applications and deposits made under section 31(6) of the Highways Act 1980.
Current PRoW notices
PRoW notices can include:
- Notices and documents for cases with the Secretary of State:
- PRoW notices with the Secretary of State - ROW 3295342 Acaster Malbis 8 and Naburn 9
- PRoW notices with the Secretary of State - ROW 3286833 Acaster Malbis 9 and Bishopthorpe 3
- PRoW notices with the Secretary of State - ROW 3318409 Skelton 12
- PRoW notices with the Secretary of State - ROW 3309474 Heslington 15
- PRoW notices with the Secretary of State - ROW 3313300 Naburn 7
- PRoW notices with the Secretary of State – ROW 3324444 York 243 and York 245
- current PRoW Order Consultation Notices
- current PRoW Schedule 14 Appeal Cases
- current PRoW Section 31(6) and 147 Notices
You can also view the current PRoW notices during normal office working hours at our Customer Centre. Please contact us to arrange an appointment.
For current temporary closures on PRoWs see our temporary traffic restrictions page.
Register of DMMO applications
You can view the current DMMO register online.
You can also view the DMMO register during normal office working hours at our Customer Centre. Please contact us to arrange an appointment.
We process DMMO applications in accordance with our adopted Statement of Priorities.
Register of section 31(6) deposits
You can view the current register of section 31(6) deposits online.
You can also view the register of section 31(6) deposits during normal office working hours at our Customer Centre. Please contact us to arrange an appointment.