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Terms and conditions

This website ( is maintained by City of York Council. We take care compiling information for this website, however the content is not guaranteed. We disclaim liability for injury, loss or damage arising from inaccuracies, omissions or interpretation of its content. If you believe any content to be inaccurate contact us.

Although we aim to provide constant, uninterrupted access to this website, we do not guarantee this. We accept no responsibility or liability for any interruption or delay.

We may change these terms at any time, without notice, so you should revisit our terms and disclaimer regularly. We may also change and improve the information and services available on the website at any time.

This website links to other websites that we manage. In some cases it may be clear (from branding and navigation) that you are visiting a different website, in other instances the branding and navigation may be seamless. Such websites include, but are not limited to:

  • meetings, committees, agendas and minutes system -
  • online maps -
  • planning portal -
  • historic environment record -
  • online surveys

Some of our 'sub-sites' may have different accessibility standards and may be maintained in a different way (see our accessibility statement for more details.). However, they're subject to these terms and condition, and our copyright statement.

This website links to 'external' websites (not managed by us). We have no control over the reliability or the content of external websites. Inclusion of an 'external link' is not an endorsement.

When you use or our sub-sites, you are agreeing to accept these terms and conditions, and any additional terms on individual pages within the sites.

See further information about how we deal with:


We occasionally host competitions where you can win prizes. If a competition currently running, you'll find links to the related terms and conditions on the relevant web pages, and within linked privacy notices.

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Find out more about the cookies we use to improve your experience using our online services - see our cookie policy.

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Unless otherwise stated, the design and layout of this website and all material published including text, graphics, logos, sounds, images and attached documents are copyright of City of York Council - see our copyright statement.

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Data protection

Read our Data Protection Policy Statement which outlines the behaviours and responsibilities expected in order to ensure that we continue to fulfil our data protection obligations.

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Online payments

This website includes the facility to make some payments online. The following card types are accepted:

  • Mastercard
  • VISA
  • Delta (VISA Debit)
  • JCB
  • Electron
  • Solo

We’re sorry; you may have issues making online payments using any alternative card types.

Javascript must be enabled in your browser in order to make an online payment.

A receipt can be sent to you by email after making a payment - make sure you provide an email address on the payment form in order to receive a receipt.

Payments received up until 5:30pm on any working day will normally show on our records on the following working day. Payments received after this, overnight, at weekends and on a bank holiday will show on our records the day after the next working day.

Our online payments service is not available between 5.30pm and 5.45pm to allow essential maintenance to take place.

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Read our privacy notice to find out how we protect your personal information.

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We understand your concerns about security and make all reasonable efforts to establish secure connections between our systems. We feel these measures provide significant security for the information on our site - however, no system is unconditionally secure.

Our online payment service uses Transport Layer Security (TLS) so that data sent over the internet is encrypted.

If you think you’ve found a security problem with one of our online services, contact our ICT Security Team.

If we're made aware of cyber security incidents affecting our systems or providers, we'll provide details and will work closely with anyone using our services who is affected.

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Browser support

As technology is always changing, we cannot support old web browsers; to access our online services we recommend using the latest version of your preferred browser. Find out which web browsers we support.

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Website accessibility

See our website accessibility information, or change accessibility settings to suit your needs.

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Also see