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Cyber security incidents

If we're made aware of cyber security incidents affecting our systems or providers, we'll provide details and will work closely with anyone using our services who is affected.

If you think you’ve found a security problem with one of our online services you must report it as soon as possible to our ICT Security Team.

NRS Healthcare and Medequip cyber security incidents

We've been made aware of cyber security incidents affecting 2 of our providers:

  • NRS Healthcare
  • Medequip

These third-party organisations provide health and care products that support independent living; they are used by City of York Council and other local authorities across the UK.

We're working with our partners to liaise with NRS Healthcare and Medequip to understand the impact of the nationwide cyber security incidents, as well as the Information Commissioner’s Office, the Local Government Association, and the NHS.

We do not currently know the extent of the incidents, nor whether any personal data of our service users has been obtained. If we're made aware of any identifiable data being published, we'll work closely with them to take any steps we can to support affected residents and service users.

Customers using services and equipment from either NRS Healthcare or Medequip should be reassured that all services are continuing to operate effectively, and they will continue to receive expected levels of support.

Advice about cyber security incidents

As a safety and safeguarding measure, we encourage you to be extra vigilant with any telephone calls, emails, or visits from people you do not know, who may be attempting to scam personal details. Any official contacts will always be happy to provide identification when asked.

If you're concerned or would like further information, for yourself, a family member or friend, contact our Information Governance Team, or seek guidance and support from the National Cyber Security Centre.

Also see


Corporate Governance Team - Information Governance

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 554145