Register for eBilling
Register for eBilling using the Citizen Access Business Rates portal.
If you're already registered for Citizen Access Business Rates, you'll have the option to sign up for eBilling notifications from within your account. To register for eBilling select the link to apply for paperless billing from within the Popular Services menu.
You can also select the option to register for eBilling as part of your Citizen Access Business Rates account registration, or when signing up for a Direct Debit.
If you wish to opt out of eBilling, you can do this by updating your account details.
eBilling email notifications
If registered for eBilling, you'll receive an email to let you know that the bill can be viewed online in your Citizen Access Business Rates account whenever a new bill is available.
We'll no longer issue paper bills, but we'll still post out paper copies of any:
- reminders
- final notices
- summons
To register for eBilling you must have permission from any other named liable parties on your account. All liable parties can separately register to receive their own eBilling notifications.
If you're unable to access your bills online, contact the Business Rates Team.
Also see