When planning a development you should also consider these areas:
- Air quality and planning - We have a legal obligation to pursue the air quality objectives at all locations in the city, on this basis we may reject, or require amendments to, proposals which are considered likely to result in a significant deterioration in air quality and/or which are likely to introduce new opportunities for exposure in existing areas of poor air quality
- Archaeology - York's archaeological projects and how archaeology impacts development
- Land contamination - Where a proposed development introduces a vulnerable end use (for example, residential housing or a school) and/or the development site could be affected by a former potentially contaminative land use (for example, an old factory or refuse tip), the possibility of land contamination should always be considered and an appropriate contamination assessment must be submitted with the planning application
- Flood risk guidance - Flood risk is a material planning consideration and that it is the applicant's responsibility to assess and mitigate that risk
- Listed buildings which are architecturally or historically important as repairs and alterations to listed buildings must be carried out with consideration to protect the building's special interest, buildings in conservation areas are different to listed buildings, although a listed building may be in a conservation area
Also see
- New Local Plan
- Neighbourhood Planning
- Draft Supplementary Planning Documents regarding Houses in Multiple Occupation, House Extensions and Alterations and the Subdivision of Dwellings
- Sustainable design and construction
- Developer contributions
- Planning and building
- Planning enforcement
Planning Enquiries
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