If you change your vehicle you'll need to log into your Permit Portal account and provide the new vehicle details.
To update your registered vehicle, for vehicle specific permits, you'll need to:
- select your active permit to open it
- select the ‘change vehicle details’ tab
You can then update the vehicle registration.
Your account will be updated instantly with the same expiry date as the previous permit.
Dependent on the permit type, a top-up payment or a pro rata refund may be due for the remaining period of cover, dependent on whether the old or new vehicles are eligible for a discount.
Change of vehicle details for Minster Badge permits
It is not possible to update the vehicle details associated with a Minster Badge permit through your Permit Portal account.
To change the vehicle associated with your Minster Badge permit, you must notify Parking Services by emailing parking@york.gov.uk to inform us of your new vehicle registration so your details can be updated. You must allow up to 10 days for the new vehicle details to be added before using Pay on Exit or Pay by Phone.
Change of vehicle details for non-digital ResPark permits
The change of vehicle process is different only if you hold a non-digital ResPark permit (a paper permit).
You only need to contact us regarding a change of vehicle if you hold a low emission paper ResPark parking permit.
If you hold a standard or high emission ResPark paper permit, you do not need to contact us and can continue to use your old permit in your new vehicle until the advised expiry date.
If you hold a low emission paper parking permit you'll need to phone us on telephone: 01904 551309 and advise that you have changed your vehicle.
Your old paper permit will be cancelled, and you'll be issued with a pro rata refund for any full months remaining on the old permit (the refund should be with you in approximately 10 working days).
After speaking to us, you can immediately:
- log in or register a new Permit Portal account
- purchase a new permit using the new vehicle details
Until your account has been updated you'll be unable to park your new vehicle within the ResPark zone.
Please ensure that you destroy the old permit, showing the previous vehicle details. If the permit is found to be in continued use by one of our Enforcement Officers you may be charged for parking permit fraud.
Also see
Parking Services
West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA