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Check which benefits you could get

It's really important to claim the financial support that's available, to help you meet your ongoing everyday living costs.

Policy in Practice - logo with green 'p' symbol and black words.Claim your benefit entitlement

We're working to make sure York residents claim the benefits they're entitled to, putting you in the best situation to:

  • afford rent
  • pay energy bills
  • cover household expenses
  • actively take part in our community

Benefit calculator

Depending on your circumstances, you may be able to apply for a range of support, so you're 'better off'; use our benefits calculator to find out if you're missing out on financial support, what benefits you could get, and how to claim.

Use the 'Better Off' benefit calculator

Our benefits calculator is provided by Policy in Practice; read the Policy in Practice cookie policy, Policy in Practice privacy notice, and get more information about using the Benefits Calculator.

Also see

Money advice piggy bank and coins

Help is available with the high cost of living, including financial support, benefits and money advice, help with council tax and help with rent.

Get benefits and money advice