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Streets, roads and pavements

Improvements to Acomb Front Street

Phase 2 Front Street, Acomb now and longer term aspirations

Knowing how visitors are able to use the road within the precinct is currently complicated and confusing. The function of the road changes throughout the day, and also differs on different days as shown below.

Phase 2 does not propose any fundamental change to these arrangements. However we are keen to look at ways to provide a more accessible space and explore what longer term changes could look like.

Who can use the road within the highstreet

24 hour timeline Pedestrian Emergency access Loading and unloading Blue Badge Parking Cycling All vehicles - drive through All vehicles - parking
8.00am til 10.30am (Monday to Friday)
8.00am til 9.30am (Saturday)
Access Access Access Access Access Access No access
10.30am til 4.00pm (Monday to Friday)
9.30am til 4.00pm (Saturday)
Access Access No access No access No access No access No access
4.00pm til 6.00pm (Monday to Saturday)
Access Access Access Access Access Access No access
6.00pm til 8.00am
Access Access Access Access Access Access Access
Sunday Access Access Access Access Access Access Access

Long term aspirations

We recognise that the community have longer term aspirations, that will require further funding applications and more time to deliver. Phase 2 marks the start of this work.

Street with priority for people

You said: Some have expressed their wish to see the high street designed with priority for people, not cars, whilst some businesses and residents oppose further pedestrianisation.

Proposal: Create a more people friendly space. Any further long term proposals would be subject to the outcome of the Phase 2 feasibility study, significant engagement with businesses, and further funding.

Adopt privately owned land

You said: Open up community space.

Proposal: A wide strip of the pavement in the shopping area between the traffic gate and the Gateway Centre is privately owned.

Subject to landowner agreement and further funding in the future, one of the longer term proposals being considered by the council is for it to adopt the privately maintained non-adopted section of the shopping area, including bringing all of the paving up to a satisfactory standard.

This would enable the community to use the open space in a more permanent way (following the temporary pop-up testing proposed during Phase 2).

Improve connection to Explore Library

You said: better connect the high street with older village and Explore.

Proposal: Forge stronger pedestrian links between shopping area and library, such as additional crossing points and more pedestrian priority.

Also see

Regeneration Team - Acomb Front Street

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA