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Streets, roads and pavements

Improvements to Acomb Front Street

Acomb Front Street improvements public engagement

The Acomb Front Street Phase 2 consultation closed on Sunday 24 March 2024.

Thank you for taking the time to review our engagement materials. We'll consider the feedback received through the survey, as well as the outputs of our technical work and discussions with local stakeholders, to develop a detailed design.

We invite you to sign up to Acomb Front Street email list to keep informed about the project. To join, please email:

Acomb Front Street Phase 2 consultation timeline 2024

  • February to March - Engagement to test Phase 2 options with residents and traders closes, and council officers work on designing a scheme to use the available funding
  • April to June - Analyse feedback including 900 survey responses and over 5,000 comments, and ensuring that community priorities are reflected in the project proposals and designs
  • July - Share an update on the Front Street Regeneration Project at a joint Acomb Ward, Holgate Ward and Westfield Ward Committee meeting on Wednesday 10 July, 6.00pm, Gateway Centre, ahead of a report going to the council’s Executive Committee on 18 July
  • Autumn 2024 to Spring 2025 - Work takes place to deliver improvements to the area. These must be completed by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund deadline in March 2025

Also see

Regeneration Team (Acomb Front Street)

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA