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Streets, roads and pavements

Pavement café licences

Help us improve pavement café licensing

Businesses are invited to a meeting to review the café licensing process, and discuss how it can be improved.

Join us at West Offices on 29 July, from 3.00pm to 5.00pm. To confirm your attendance email:

You need a licence to put tables and chairs outside your premises 'on the highway'.

The Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023 makes permanent the provisions set out in the Business and Planning Act (BPA) 2020 that streamlined the pavement café licensing process.

The permanent regime set out in the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023 commenced on 31 March 2024.

Pavement café licences

To place tables and chairs outside your premises on the highway, you will need a pavement café licence under the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023 process

If you wish to apply for a pavement café licence, you will need to:

Apply for a pavement café licence

Application process

Once we receive your application and supporting documents, we will check that we have all the information we need. We will aim to let you know the next working day if we require any additional information.

After you have sent us your application, you must display the standard notice template in your premises’ window or on your door without delay, for businesses, organisations and members of the public to be able to read the notice. The notice must remain in a location visible to all for the 14 days of the consultation period.

When the consultation period is over, we will consider all the information you submitted together with the consultation responses we receive and determine your application within 14 days.

The licence fee will be invoiced upon a licence being issued.

Changing the conditions of an existing licence

If you wish to apply to change or vary the conditions of your existing pavement café licence you will need to submit a new licence application. We cannot vary an existing pavement café licence. All applications for a pavement café licence under the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023 must follow the above process.

Apply for a pavement café licence

Also see

Pavement Café Licences

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA