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Pavement café licence application form

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Pavement café licence application

To place tables and chairs outside your premises on the highway, you will need a pavement café licence.

You will need to include the following documentation to support your application:

  • a plan showing the premises and the part of the highway to which the application relates
  • a plan showing the proposed area to be covered by the licence in relation to the highway and the licensed premises (if the plan is not to scale, measurements will need to be clearly shown) - this should include details of the barriers to show that they comply with this guidance and can be supported by photos showing the proposed furniture and information on how it will be set out within the proposed area
  • a plan to show where the furniture will be stored, off the highway (including footways), when the pavement café area is not in use - this includes storage when the premises may be open but the furniture is not allowed on the highway, for example before pedestrianised hours or if the highway is needed for another purpose
  • if the application covers an area which is adjacent to other premises (for example in front of neighbouring premises), evidence of the owner’s consent and insurance cover are required
  • public liability insurance certificate or similar evidence of cover for a minimum amount of £5 million, including the proposed outdoor area(s)
  • evidence of completion of the ACT Awareness E-learning course by the named licence holder. A new certificate must be provided each year.

You will also need to provide evidence that you have displayed the completed application notice in your window/door (for example a photograph of the notice placed in the premise’s windows). This can be provided after you have submitted your application, by email to:, once we have confirmed that the application has been validated. The notice must remain in place for a minimum of 14 days.

The licence fee will be invoiced upon a licence being issued.

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