Apply for listed building consent before carrying out any demolition, alteration (including fitting replacement windows) or extension work on either the inside or outside of a listed building - it's a criminal offence to carry out such works without consent.
Repairing listed buildings
Minor repairs to listed buildings do not require consent if they are carried out to a high standard of workmanship using materials and techniques that match the original. Repairs that don't take this approach usually require consent.
There are no fees for applying for listed building consent, however, it's advisable to obtain pre-application advice. You may also need planning permission for works such as 'change of use' and external alterations.
Heritage statements
Applications for listed building consent must be supported by a heritage statement which is proportionate to the scale and nature of the proposed works. A heritage statement can form part of a design and access statement.
A heritage statement should include:
- history and development of the Heritage Asset, using photographic and map evidence
- photographs showing the site in context and features which might be affected by the proposal
- assessment of the significance of the asset and of the impact of the proposed works
- a statement of justification for the works with details of any mitigation measures proposed
Usually the services of an appropriately qualified and experienced historic environment professional will be required to carry out this work.