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Planning and building

Complying with planning conditions

We have procedures for dealing with requests to 'discharge conditions imposed on planning approvals', and for requests which ask whether such conditions were met (including requests from solicitors or prospective buyers).

How to make a planning conditions request

Complete an 'approval of details reserved by a condition' form on the Planning Portal.

Make a request via the Planning Portal

Planning approval conditions may include us asking you to submit:

  • drainage details
  • details of proposed external materials, such as bricks and roof tiles

Charges for requests for confirmation that planning conditions have been complied with

Current fees 'per request' and for conditions relating to 'householder' applications are listed on the Planning Portal.

The relevant fee must be submitted at the same time the request is made and is payable for each request, however, a single request may cover more than one condition to be discharged.

The fees do not apply to telecommunications development or to waste and minerals permissions, which have separate arrangements.

Timescales for requests relating to planning conditions

We will handle requests as promptly as possible. If development starts without the conditions being met, your development may be unlawful.

If development starts without the conditions being met, your development may be unlawful.

Also see

Planning Enquiries

DM Business Support, West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 551553