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Our 10-Year Strategies

Developing the 10-Year Strategies

The 10-Year Strategies were developed over a period of 18 months by speaking to residents, businesses, community groups and partners, and by following 3 interrelated processes:

View details of Strategy development Decision Sessions and Scrutiny Reports, which considered the development of the strategies.

Evidence collation and analysis

Evidence collation and analysis, published as a technical annex. These were shared with Scrutiny Committees, in part, in different meetings.

The technical annex brings the full evidence set together and provides a baseline going forward.

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Resident, business, partner and stakeholder insight

We set out to understand what is important to citizens, what changes they would like to see and whether they support the strategies.

Resident, business, partner and stakeholder insight and intelligence was collated by following the Resident Engagement Plan, which was approved at Executive on Thursday, 22 April 2021 (item 123).

The Our Big Conversation attitudinal survey helped us understand what’s important for the people who live, work and study in our city. Over 2,000 participants, including residents and businesses, took part to tell us about different aspects of living in the city, which helped inform our 10-Year Strategies.

We helped shape the strategies and covered different aspects of climate change through a mixture of technical and industry roundtable meetings, focused stakeholder and partner discussions and through business groups, and health and wellbeing workshops.

The York Big Question took place during winter 2021 to 2022, engaging residents and third sector groups in what good health and wellbeing looks like to them.

Several key co-production projects have fed into the development of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy, such as the Community Mental Health Transformation Programme.

In May 2022 the Health and Wellbeing Board members held a workshop to agree the outline contents, building on this engagement and on the statutory Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, recently refreshed by the Public Health Team.

More targeted focus groups to explore strategic themes with target demographics took place throughout May and June 2022. These targeted groups invited participation from residents who did not engage in Our Big Conversation to make sure we had a blend of perspectives shaping the strategies.

We then invited residents, businesses and stakeholders to review the draft 10-Year Strategies and tell us what they think about what it will be like to live in the city in 2032 through the Our Big Conversation: 10-Year Strategies Consultation, held in July 2022.

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Equalities Impact Assessments

Equalities Impact Assessments (EIAs) were developed to better understand the positive and potentially detrimental impacts of climate, health or economic ambitions on different groups of residents.

These EIAs both informed the strategies and identified requirements for action plans.

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Strategy development Decision Sessions and Scrutiny Reports

The following Public Committees or Executive Decision-Making Sessions considered the development of the strategies.

Climate change sessions

Health and wellbeing sessions

Economy sessions

Scrutiny committees that were cancelled or postponed

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Also see

10-Year Strategies

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