Housing Associations around York offer 3 main types of affordable housing:
If you are interested in social or affordable rented homes, apply to rent council housing.
Social rented housing
These homes are:
- owned and managed by us and other registered providers (usually known as housing associations)
- generally offered at the lowest rents, set by the government
- let on an assured or secure tenancy - find out about your rights as an assured or secure tenant on the Citizen's Advice website
Most new rented homes, built in the city without government funding, are for social rent; these homes are typically built by us, or secured on private developments through our planning policies.
Affordable rented housing
These homes are:
- owned and managed by us and other registered providers (usually known as housing associations)
- built with funding from the government (through the Homes and Communities Agency)
- expected to charge a higher rent than social rent - this can be up to 80% of 'market rents', which in York is considerably higher than social rents
Since more rent is charged, these homes generate more funds to help build more affordable houses.
Tenants of affordable rented homes owned by us have the same rights and security of tenure as social rented homes; homes are let to people from the council waiting list.
Housing Benefit can be claimed to assist with paying the rent, although there may be restrictions on this. Contact our Housing Benefit Team to find out more, or if you think you may be unable to afford your rent.
Intermediate market rent
These homes are:
- let and managed directly through registered providers (housing associations)
- aimed at people who are unable to afford a 'market rent', but are unlikely to be given a social or affordable rented home due to not being in 'priority need' - this might include households who want to buy their own home, but are struggling to save a deposit due to high market rents
The rent on these homes are at up to 80% of the market rent, but usually with less security of tenure than affordable rented homes.
Some intermediate market rent options allow the tenant to purchase their home once they have saved a deposit. People who are interested do not need to be on our waiting list.
For more information, see the government Help to Buy website.