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Your council

Polling District, Place and Station review

We conducted a review of our polling districts and polling places as required by the Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places (Parliamentary Elections) Regulations 2006, as amended by the Electoral and Administration Act 2013.

The aim of the review is to ensure that;

  • electors have such reasonable facilities for voting as are practicable in the circumstances
  • as far as is reasonable and practical, polling places are accessible to all electors, taking into account the needs of disabled persons

Polling review representations

During this review, electors had the opportunity to make their representations on the designation of polling places to the council. Any representations made should have ideally included proposals for specified alternative polling places and reasons for the suggestion.

Please note that all representations are required by law to be published and that if any individual who does not want their representation attributed to them must let us know

The deadline for comments or representations was Friday 1 November 2019

Our review will not consider ward boundaries or parliamentary constituencies.

Polling review definitions

  • Polling District: The area created by dividing up an electoral area. All our wards are divided into districts, which form the basis open which the register of electors is produced
  • Polling Place: The designated area for a polling district in which a polling station is located
  • Polling Station: The specific location where the voting takes place, for example, a room within a school or community building

Review timetable

Action Date
Site visits 1 July - 30 August
Notice of review (Commencement) 2 September
Licensing and Regulatory Committee (Report of Commencement) 4 September
End of consultation period 1 November
Licensing and Regulatory Committee (Report of Representations) 27 November
Full Council 19 December
Publication of Register of Electors 1 December

For more detail read;

Also see

Electoral Services

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 551007