Early Talk for York is an approach to improve speech, language and communication of children aged 0 to 5 years.
Good communication skills at 5 years of age are strongly linked with a range of positive outcomes in later life, including:
A brief introduction to Early Talk for York for parents and carers with early years children aged 0 to 5.
Download our Early Talk for York resources and posters for professionals.
Find out more about the partner organisations who help to deliver Early Talk for York.
To help more organisations get involved in Early Talk for York, we've broken the approach down into 3 steps.
The Early Talk for York 3-step criteria helps you to understand what you need to be doing at each stage of Early Talk for York.
Our roadmap lays out the potential opportunities and activities to get involved with to help achieve each step of the 3-step criteria.
Early years settings and childminders can submit an expression of interest form to access funded opportunities to join the 3-step programme.
Email: etfy@york.gov.uk