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Planning and building

Appealing against a planning decision

You can search for, view, comment on and appeal against planning applications via our online Planning Portal. The list of planning decision appeals is updated daily for information (only).

All appeals are listed relating to:

  • planning
  • advertisement
  • listed building consent
  • conservation area consent
  • works to trees covered by tree preservation orders or to trees in conservation areas
  • other applications received between dates shown

Making an appeal

If your application for planning permission has been refused, or permission has been granted with conditions imposed, you can appeal to the Planning Inspectorate. There is no 'third party right of appeal', so only the applicant may appeal against a decision made.

The decision notice you receive will be accompanied by information on how to appeal - you must send off for forms and appeal directly to The Planning Inspectorate.

You can choose to appeal in 3 different ways:

  • using written representations - all statements and representations will be carried out in writing
  • at a hearing - an informal meeting between the inspector and all parties where all aspects of the case are discussed
  • by inquiry - the most formal method where the case will be conducted by an inspector

In all cases the inspector will visit the site, but this visit may be unaccompanied where appropriate. The decision will be in the form of a statement sent to you by The Planning Inspectorate.

Appeal timescales

The deadline for submitting an appeal is 6 months from the date of the application letter, unless it is a householder refusal, then the deadline is 12 weeks. In the case of 'non-determination', the deadline is 6 months from the date the decision should have been made.

The 6 month period applies to all planning (section 78), listed building and conservation area consent (section 20) appeals.

Information on how long it takes for appeals to be determined is provided by the Planning Inspectorate.

Also see

Planning appeals online

Submit a new planning appeal, or search for an existing one and comment on it.

Make a planning appeal

Planning Inspectorate

The Planning Inspectorate deals with planning appeals, national infrastructure planning applications and examinations of local plans in England and Wales.

Planning Inspectorate