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Webcasts of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee

Watch webcasts on our YouTube channel of our public meetings to see how decisions are made. You can also access related agendas and minutes.

Our aim is to promote openness and accountability, and to support greater participation in local democracy.

Latest webcast

AGENDA (To view individual agenda items click on the links below)

  1. Declarations of Interest 00:04:45
  2. Minutes 00:05:08
  3. Public Participation 00:06:34
  4. York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust CQC Update 00:14:54
  5. Breastfeeding and Infant Feeding 00:49:49
  6. Work Plan 01:49:48

Full agenda, attendance details and supporting documents

10 July 2024

12 June 2024

15 May 2024

Content Warning: The first segment of the public participation item (3 minutes 30 seconds until 8 minutes 16 seconds) contains references to sexual abuse, rape and attempted suicide. Viewer discretion is advised.

23 April 2024

27 March 2024

30 January 2024

13 December 2023

N.B. Due to a technical issue a short section at the beginning of the meeting (Item1, Declarations of Interest) is missing from the webcast. Our apologies. You can listen to the back-up audio recording of the missing section here: Health, Housing and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee, 13 November 2023. Item 1. Declarations of Interest (audio only).

13 November 2023

18 October 2023

19 September 2023

The remit of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee was previously covered by Health and Adult Social Care Policy and Scrutiny Committee and Housing and Community Safety Policy and Scrutiny Committee.

Also see