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Your council

Webcasts of Executive

Watch webcasts on our YouTube channel of our public meetings to see how decisions are made. You can also access related agendas and minutes.

Our aim is to promote openness and accountability, and to support greater participation in local democracy.

Latest webcast

AGENDA (To view individual agenda items click on the links below)

  1. Declarations of Interest 00:03:08
  2. Exclusion of Press and Public 00:03:32
  3. Minutes 00:05:45
  4. Public Participation 00:06:04
  5. Forward Plan 00:33:41
  6. Finance & performance outturn 00:34:10
  7. Capital Programme outturn 00:44:22
  8. Treasury Management 23/24 outturn and Prudential Indicators 00:51:14
  9. Local Transport Strategy 01:22:44
  10. Combined Authority Key Route Network 01:41:22
  11. Acomb Front Street – Phase 2 Update 01:54:28
  12. Results of Air Quality Action Plan 4 (AQAP4) Consultation 02:13:29
  13. City of York Trading – Creation of a New Company for the Provision of Agency Workers 02:20:27
  14. Council house acquisitions and disposals policy 00:54:39
  15. Update on the Housing Delivery Programme including making strategic use of land assets 01:07:23

Full agenda, attendance details and supporting documents

18 July 2024

13 June 2024

N.B. Parts of the image of the video have been blurred out to avoid confidential information being inadvertently disclosed.

9 May 2024

18 April 2024

14 March 2024

20 February 2024

25 January 2023

14 December 2023

16 November 2023

12 October 2023

14 September 2023

13 July 2023

17 June 2023

16 March 2023

14 February 2023

9 February 2023

26 January 2023


Also see


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