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Your council

Webcasts of Council

Watch webcasts on our YouTube channel of public meetings to see how decisions are made. You can also access related agendas and minutes.

Our aim is to promote openness and accountability, and to support greater participation in local democracy.

Latest webcast

AGENDA (To view individual agenda items click on the links below)

  1. Declarations of Interest 00:08:49
  2. Minutes 00:09:18
  3. Civic Announcements 00:09:42
  4. Public Participation 00:11:46
  5. Petitions 00:24:23
  6. Report of Executive Leader and Questions 00:26:47
  7. Report of Deputy Leader and Questions 01:00:19
  8. Motions on Notice 01:06:09
  9. Questions to the Leader or Executive Members 02:48:17
  10. Report of Executive Member 03:05:33
  11. Scrutiny - Report of the Chair of the Corporate Services, Climate Change and Scrutiny Management Committee 03:17:15
  12. Parental Leave Policy for Elected Members 03:17:49
  13. Joint Standards Committee Annual Report for 2023/2024 03:27:54
  14. Use of General Exception (Urgency) and Special Urgency Procedures 03:28:31

Full agenda, attendance details and supporting documents

17 July 2024

23 May 2024 (Annual Council)

21 March 2024

22 February 2024

23 November 2023

21 September 2023

*N.B. Due to a technical issue a short section of the live streamed meeting of Council was missing during item 3 on the agenda, Civic Announcements. Our apologies. The back-up audio recording of Item 3, Civic Announcements, can be listened to in its entirety by clicking on the link below:   

20 July 2023

25 May 2023 (Annual Council)

23 March 2023

23 February 2023


Also see


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