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Community governance review

A community governance review is carried out by the principal council and is used to look at the whole or part of a district to identify a need for:

  • creating new parishes, abolishing, merging or altering parishes
  • the naming of parishes and the style of new parishes
  • the electoral arrangements for parishes, such as the ordinary year of election, council size, wards and numbers of councillors
  • grouping parishes under a common parish council or de-grouping parishes

The recommendations of any review must:

  • improve community engagement
  • bring communities closer together
  • create better local democracy
  • result in more effective and convenient delivery of local services

A Community Governance Review can be initiated by one of the following:

  • a valid petition from electors requesting a Community Governance Review and specifying recommendations which the petitioners wish to make in the Community Governance Review
  • a formal request from a parish council, following which approval is then required from the principal council
  • a decision taken by the principal council itself, usually in circumstances where there have been significant changes in population or in response to changes such as when recommended following a Local Government Boundary Commission review

A review will begin with publication of the terms of reference, following which consultation with electors and other stakeholders will take place. Following the consultation final recommendations will be made, for resolution by Full Council.

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Electoral Services

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 551007