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Snapshot of progress on the Council Plan

Health and wellbeing progress snapshot

Our Equalities and Human Rights 'snapshot of progress' will be updated every 6 months to provide details of our activity, as we work to deliver the Council Plan; One City, for all.

Council Plan health icon, a pink illustration of a beating heart

For our core commitment to health and wellbeing we will improve health and wellbeing and reduce health inequalities, taking a Health in All Policies approach, with good education, jobs, travel, housing, better access to health and social care services and environmental sustainability. We will achieve better outcomes by targeting areas of deprivation, aiming to level opportunity across the city.

Priority actions

Find out more about progress on each priority action related to health and wellbeing:

Priority action: Reverse the current trend of widening health inequalities by supporting people manage their health conditions.

Progress by March 2024:

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Priority action: Provide access to good health and social care opportunities, training and skills.

Progress by March 2024:

  • York Health and Care Partnership held a health and care recruitment and volunteering event, promoting apprenticeships and different courses.

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Priority action: Create higher paid jobs and encourage better working conditions.

Progress by March 2024:

  • Four new packages of support were launched for York’s business community, funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, covering start-ups, growing social enterprises, innovate York workshops for entrepreneurs and businesses and decarbonising business advice.

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Priority action: Encourage healthy travel options to maintain healthy lifestyles.

Progress by March 2024:

  • The Public Charging Strategy was approved. See: Agenda for Executive on Thursday, 13 July 2023(Item 17).
  • Bus Service Improvement Plan was awarded £23m funding from the DfT to make sure York’s bus depot is fully electric by the end of 2023, with nine new electric First buses joining York’s fleet in August 2023.

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Priority action: Support people with additional needs get the right support at the right time.

Progress by March 2024:

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Priority action: Improve customer experience across council operations.

Progress by March 2024:

  • The Working as One City Programme approach was agreed, leading to a series of service reviews exploring how to improve customer experience whilst reducing costs - the first review will focus on Early Intervention and Prevention, followed by how the customer interacts with the council; this includes co-developing a locality model to inform discussions with York’s Place Board to help improve resident experience at a neighbourhood level.
  • Neighbourhood plans have begun to be produced for each ward, identifying strengths, needs and gaps to inform locality working.

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Also see

Coloured icons from the council plan representing equalities, affordability, climate and health.

The Council Plan 2023 to 2027 sets out our vision and our priorities to establish conditions that make York a healthier, fairer, more affordable, more sustainable and more accessible city where everyone feels valued.

The Council Plan; One City, for all