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With so many opportunities to watch TV or play computer games, and with so much convenience and fast food available, we don’t move about as much, or eat as well as we used to.

Join Change4Life to receive support to:

  • eat well, move more and live longer
  • get ideas, recipes and games for you to become happier and healthier

You can join Change4Life as:

  • an individual who wants to make changes for themselves and their family
  • someone who runs a club, activity or society
  • a frontline professional

Change4Life for families

Once you've joined Change4Life, use the smart tools to help you focus on making healthy changes - it doesn't need to be difficult and can be rewarding and fun:

  • Sugar swaps – Swapping sugary snacks and drinks for ones that are lower in sugar can make a huge difference to kids’ calorie intake
  • Meal times – It’s important for kids to have regular, proper meals as growing bodies respond better to routine
  • Healthy snacks – Many snacks are full of things that are bad for us (sugar, salt, fat and calories), so try and make sure your kids are having healthy snacks
  • 5 A Day – It’s easier than you think to give your kids 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day
  • Cut back fat – We all know too much fat is bad for us but it’s not always easy to tell where it’s lurking
  • 60 active minutes – Kids need to do at least 60 minutes of activity a day to help them stay happy and healthy
  • Up and about – The way life is today means that most of us spend too long sitting down

Change4Life for professionals

Professionals can join the network of 58,000 Change4Life local supporters to help deliver healthy lifestyle messages.

Change4Life is supported by the Department of Health and brings together health and education professionals and voluntary organisations with the shared aims of supporting people to eat well, move more and live longer!

You can opt in to receive regular updates about the latest campaigns and there are lots of free downloadable resources available, as well as the option to create your own Change4Life resources.

Also see

Public Health

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 553866

Healthy weight, healthy lives
