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Your council

Our Big Conversation

'Our Big Conversation' is your chance to get involved in a city-wide discussion, helping the city get to grips with some of the biggest challenges facing us:

  • climate change
  • health and wellbeing
  • York’s economy

How we address these 10 Year Strategies will shape life in York for at least the next decade; the way we make our city greener, how we live healthier, happier lives, and how we work...

Our Big Conversation feedback is also used to inform our transport priorities, so we understand how people want to move around the city, and feedback from any Our Big Conversation consultation will be used to help shape our budget for 2023 to 2024.

Get involved in Our Big Conversation

We want to hear more voices than ever before. We're building networks and inclusive approaches to make sure all of York's communities have a say, including disabled people, children and young people, older people, students, black and minority ethnic people, and the LGBTQ+ community.

We'll share what you're telling us, so you know what other people in the city think, and why we make decisions.

To get involved, take part in:

  • the latest surveys, polls and consultations
  • live sessions with leaders
  • community conversations with local interest groups and networks
  • workshops about different themes

A number of medium and small consultations are being undertaken by City of York Council. See details of current consultations.

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Our Big Budget Conversation

City of York Council is one of the lowest funded unitary authorities and, after a decade of cuts, we're facing a financial challenge we've never seen before.

We must protect services that care for people while delivering the services you rely on. We need your help to decide what to do next. That’s why we held Our Big Budget Conversation.

This conversation ran from Tuesday 16 July 2024 to Sunday 1 September 2024.

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My City Centre

Your input in shaping the My City Centre conversation has informed the new city centre vision.

Find out more about the My City Centre York vision.

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Our Big Transport Conversation

You can help shape the future of travel in York.

We’ll be launching a public consultation in November which will look at York’s transport as a whole, not just individual projects, for the first time since 2010.

Come along to our events and take part in the conversation.

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Our Big Conversation

West Offices, Station Rise, York YO1 6GA
Our Big Conversation logo.

Join the conversation

Look out for Our Big Conversation appearing on social media on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram feeds. You can also join the Talkabout citizen’s panel

Join the citizen's panel
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Access to council decisions

All the big decisions about the city are made by the council’s Executive, whose meetings are streamed via our YouTube channel; you can register to speak, so your voice can be heard on a subject important to you.

Register to speak

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